- All, Converters & Transducers, Electrical, GIC, Signal Transducers
- Input / Output configuration selected via DIP switch combinations Choice of 16 analog input-output configurations Provides 3-way galvanic isolation of 3.75kV Fast output Response Time (<100ms) Sleek 22.5mm wide Credit - https://www.gicindia.com/converters-transducers/signal-transducers/
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- All, Electrical, GIC, Process Control, Timers
Synchronous Timer – Series Em 1000
- This is also a type of Electromechanical Timer which is used to make the industry process smoother.
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- All, Automation, Fuji Electric
- 3-model series including a standard type, high-efficiency type and super high-efficiency type!. Credit - https://fujielectric.co.in/product-solution/drives/motors/
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- All, Electrical, GIC, Lighting Automation, Time Switches
Time Switch Fm Series
- Modular Construction Inbuilt over-ride facility High switching capacity Tamper proof sealing Analog & Digital Version Daily / Weekly programming Credit- https://www.gicindia.com/lighting-and-automation/time-switches/
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- All, Electrical, L&T Switchgear, MCB, RCCB, RCBO, DBs
- Tripbox SPN and TPN range of DBs with Single Door and Double Door variants
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